- Care Closets are Needed like never before -
Nearly half of students in Madison County
schools are living at or below the poverty line.
This data, from the Federal Programs Dept. of Madison County Schools, shows the increasing poverty rate among local students and highlights the fact that more and more kids struggle to afford basic necessities. The lack of these essentials creates barriers to learning, social relationships, and growth. But we can change that. We can give these kids the care they need to forge brighter, more hopeful futures.

Closet Item
We are always happy to accept donations of new items. Our closets cover a wide range of age groups and sizes, from Youth X-Small to Adult XX-Large. Here are some of the items that we frequently need:
- NEW clothing items with tags (all sizes/genders, including pants, shorts, long- and short-sleeved shirts, skirts, and dresses)
- Heavier coats and lighter jackets (all sizes/genders)
- Shoes (all sizes/genders)
- Underwear, socks, and bras
- Toiletries (including deodorant, dental care, shampoo, conditioner, body and face wash, brushes/combs, African American and feminine products)
- School supplies (including crayons, markers, watercolors, folders, binders, composition notebooks, spiral notebooks, looseleaf paper, pencils, pens, pencil pouches, highlighters, dry erase markers, cap erasers, scissors, etc.
- Classroom supplies (including antibacterial wipes, paper towels, facial tissues, hand soap, hand sanitizer, and baby wipes)
- Snack items (e.g., individually packaged goldfish, fruit snacks, cookies, chips, crackers, etc.)